Saturday, October 07, 2006


Saw "Black Holes" at OMSI this afternoon. Took a stroll first through the esplanade and read interesting historical facts on the Floodings of Portland with the recent flooding of 1996. The pictures showed water levels reaching up to roofs of homes, kind of reminiscent of Katrina and New Orleans last year. Hope history doesn't repeat itself anytime soon. With this thought in mind, i finally headed inside to go to the Planetarium for a half hour of science where i got to see some incredible stars, super novas, black holes, singularities (an absolutely exception unlike another) and the event horizon....The point of no return. How eerie is that? The Black hole as explained today is a huge gravitational force that was created when a massive star collapses in itself from the excessive gravity, it's so powerful that even light cannot escape from it. (Lesson 101) The question is...where do things go when it gets vacuumed into a black hole?? Then there is the matter of worm holes....theoretically you can jump into a black hole and jump into the other side of the universe? Impossible...since the black hole is incredibly dense that anything going through it would shatter into a million pieces. But..there is a theory that a worm hole could be connected from a black hole thus leading a path to another partof the universe within space time. This my what Albert Einstein said...and proved.

1 comment:

natalie said...

this is what i'm talking about. fascinating entry my dear