Friday, September 22, 2006


I think my dear friend from Florida whom i rave all the time about might actually have a good shot at coming to Portland!! She now has 2 hotels that will be vyying for her undivided attention. (thanks to me :) ) She is also probably one of the sweetest and charismatic women I have ever met and gotten to know. She would be a perfect fit for our team, kicks butt in the DC market, and not to mention...we can hit all the asian markets together. If the other hotel gets her first, then at least I will also feel good knowing that my friend will be honorable when going after business. I just would hate to go up against her because she is just that in conclusion, she belongs with our amazing team!


natalie said...

good to hear and have a great sunday!

natalie said...

Update! Update! Update! Call me re: Sunday! Update! hee, hee... hey, here's a joke for you. I'm at the farmers' market and this guy at one of the booths looks at me and says 'wanna try a nut.' i busted out laughing and then halted because the guy was selling nuts... ha ha ha h!!!!!